
It is tough.
The days end. Some makes  you forget.
Being away.
There comes a  Night. There comes a Day.
When things change.
The Time: The Day or The Night, you do not care.
It is the same.
But now you recall days of the years and the months.
Time that is done.
It does not come again. Now the tongues are less.
Despite the years.
You spent in order  to gain. Those you thought will always
Be the same.
For some reason, still unknown. Life contracts and expands.
At the same time.
The festive time bring smiles. A new knowledge you have gained.
They tell distance.
Those smiles you now memorize.
The Days walk away.
The Time that is done. It Does not come again.

-Manvendra Vidyarthi
(The Stories beneath the eyes)